Best Dispensary near Miami OK: Emergency Action Plan

Best Dispensary near Miami Ok: Underground Dispensary shares a helpful Emergency Action Plan as a template for other business’ to share and use.
The purpose of this Emergency Action Plan is to establish procedures for safely and effectively managing an emergency event for Underground Dispensary. All employees, supervisors, and managers are expected to follow the procedures outlined in this plan to ensure that employees and consumers are protected from any further harm during an emergency situation.
Oklahoma Code of Regulations, Title 8, Sections 3220, 3203, 6184, NFPA 1 Uniform Fire Code, section 10.9.
This Emergency Action Plan covers those designated actions managers and employees must take to ensure employee and consumer safety from fire and other emergencies. This plan includes: emergency escape procedures and emergency escape route assignments; procedures for employees who have to stay to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate (if applicable); procedures to account for employees after emergency evacuation has been completed; rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform them; the preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies; and individuals who can be contacted for further information about the plan.
- Responsibility
- Person(s) responsible for emergency planning and information is/are:
[Name of person(s), Title]
[Contact Number]
- Responsibilities of the Emergency Response Team
The goal of the Emergency Response Team is to assist in the orderly evacuation of employees and consumers from a building or area during an emergency or assist with shelter in place procedures if warranted. The duties of the Response Team are as follows:
- Be familiar with the content of this plan.
- Alert staff of emergency situations.
- Ensure that staff and consumers are appropriately evacuating the facility or area based on the escape route assignments (see diagrams in attachment A).
- Assist in the evacuation of consumers and staff with disabilities that preclude them from using elevators during emergency situations, or alerting fire and police personnel of the last known location of the individuals.
- Perform medical duties as necessary to employees and consumers during emergency situations.
- Extinguish small fires with the use of a fire extinguisher.
- If instructed, account for all employees and consumers at the designated meeting location(s).
The list of the Primary and Secondary Responders is located in attachment B.
Note: The number of designated responders depends upon the size of the facility and the number of employees that work at that location. Larger facilities should have at least two responders per floor and at least one alternate. Smaller facilities can get by with one responder and one alternate.
Be sure to delete all notes inserted in this document!
- Training
Emergency Response Team members will be trained and made aware of their duties so that they can assist in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of employees. They shall be made aware of their responsibilities under this plan:
- Initially when the plan is developed;
- Whenever the employee’s responsibility under the plan changes, and
- Whenever the plan is changed
- Responsibilities of the Employees
The success of this Emergency Action Plan in times of emergencies hinges on employees knowing the procedures outlined in this plan and acting upon them in an appropriate manner.
Before an emergency, employees shall:
- Become familiar with the contents of this plan to include who to report emergencies to, the assigned evacuation routes for the facility, and the designated meeting locations.
- Actively participate in emergency drills and treat them as if they are real.
During an emergency:
- Assist an Emergency Response Team member if asked.
- Listen and wait for directions on how and when to evacuate the facility from emergency response team members, police or fire personnel.
- Report any emergencies such as a bomb threat or threats of violence to your supervisor first and immediately.
- Follow the assigned escape route procedures to avoid crowding at the exits.
- Report immediately to your designated meeting location upon evacuating the facility. Do not take any side trips.
- Never go back into the facility to retrieve personal belongings.
- Reporting Emergencies
A. Report fire or other emergencies immediately, first to your supervisor, then to the responsible person(s) listed above. When warranted, call 911 (9-911 if in a City facility). Be prepared to provide the responder with the nature and location of the emergency. Our address is:
[Enter facility name]
[Enter facility address]
[Enter major cross streets]
[Enter facility phone number]
III. Employee Alarm Systems
The employee alarm system for this facility provides warning so that employees can escape safely from the workplace or the immediate work area.
The employee alarm system that has been established for this facility is as follows:
[Insert primary method of how all employees in the facility are notified of an emergency]
Note: Methods include but are not limited to: manual pull box alarms, public address systems, radio or telephones. If phones are used as a primary means of reporting, telephone numbers shall be conspicuously posted nearby.
[Insert procedures for sounding emergency alarms in the workplace]
IV. Evacuation Route and Assembly Area Map/First Aid Kits
- Evacuation Routes and Maps
The evacuation routes and assembly area maps are posted by every main exit. Employees are to become familiar with all evacuation routes and their assembly point. See attachment A for evacuation maps for each floor(s) of this facility.
- Location of First Aid Kits
As noted on the evacuation maps, the First Aid Kits are located [enter locations of first aid kits].
- Designated Meeting Locations
Once employees have evacuated the facility, they must meet [enter location(s) where employees are required to meet] to check in with the [enter either first responder or supervisor] who will be accounting for individuals. Those employees who do not show up to the designated meeting location will be presumed to still be in the building and fire and police personnel shall be notified of their absence immediately.
Note: Attach a map of the facility and surrounding areas where employees are required to meet if necessary.
- Procedures for Critical Plant Operations
The operation of this facility does not require individuals to block, isolate, or secure contents that may result in further harm to the occupants of the facility. Therefore procedures are not necessary for those who may need to operate critical plant operations during an evacuation.
Note: If there are operations that need to be taken care of during an evacuation that may create harm to the occupants of the facility and or to fire and rescue personnel if not addressed immediately, procedures for those who are required to stay behind to address these issues need to be developed.
- Fire Emergency Procedures
- Remove anyone in immediate danger.
- Once an employee is alerted to the fire danger, he/she will go to the nearest exit, activate the fire alarm (if present), exit the building according to the emergency action plan, and proceed directly to the designated assembly point.
- Confine the fire to the room/area by closing the door to the area where the fire is located and by ensuring all doors leading to the main hallways are closed.
- Attempt to extinguish the fire only if you have received training on the use of portable fire extinguishers, the fire is in its beginning stage, and it can be extinguished safely.
- Disabled and non-ambulatory (unable to walk personnel) should request assistance from those nearest to them. Advise the Emergency Services Personnel of personnel trapped who may require assistance to evacuate.
- Earthquake Emergency Procedures
- If you are indoors, stay there. Take shelter under a desk, table, or in a doorway. If you cannot get under something sturdy or stand in a doorway, get on your hands and knees and cover your head with your hands and arms.
- [If you are in a high-rise building, stay away from windows, outside walls, light fixtures, filing cabinets and bookshelves. Do not attempt to use the elevators.]
- If you are outdoors, go to an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, roadways and power lines.
- If the building is evacuated, do not return until authorized.
- Beware of potential dangers after an earthquake such as escaping gas, unstable building structures, electrical hazards, etc. Also beware of aftershocks.
- Evacuation of the Disabled
(Note: If in a single-story building, these procedures will need to be modified)
- Persons with a disability (including a short term disability) limiting them from using the stairs will congregate in the lobby area by the elevator where they will be assisted by either an Emergency Responder or law enforcement personnel.
- In the event an emergency renders the elevator lobby unsafe or dangerous, an Emergency Responder will assist or carry the disabled person down one or more floors for pick-up and relocation.
- If assistance is not immediately available, disabled persons should stay in the exit corridor or at the top of the stairway or landing. An Emergency Responder will advise Emergency Services Personnel of the location of the disabled person(s) in the event all other actions fail.
A list of employees who will need assistance in the event of an emergency is included in attachment C.
- Serious Injury
- Check the scene and the victim to determine the danger potential and the extent of the injury. Do not move a seriously injured victim unless there is an immediate danger such as fire, flood, or poisonous gas. If you must move the victim, do it as quickly and carefully as possible. If there is no immediate danger, do not move the victim and advise the bystanders the victim is not to be moved.
- Call 911 (9-911 if in a City facility) immediately if the victim is unconscious. Additionally, you should call for an ambulance if the victim has trouble breathing or is breathing in a strange way; has pressure or pain in the chest or abdomen; is bleeding severely; has slurred speech; appears to have been poisoned; has injuries to the head, neck, or back; or has possible broken bones.
- Keep the victim calm and as comfortable as possible. Administer CPR or First Aid if you have been trained in those areas (A list of these employees is included at the end of this document). A First Aid kit should be used and precautions should be taken to minimize exposure to blood and other bodily fluids. Remain with the victim until emergency services personnel arrive.
- Hazardous Materials
- A hazardous material is a substance that presents a physical or health hazard. A health hazard refers to a substance for which there is significant evidence that health effects may occur for exposed employees.
- A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is required for all hazardous substances in use within the department. Employees will be provided with training on the safe use of all chemicals they will be exposed to.
- In the event of a hazardous material emergency:
- Evacuate the area, securing access to the area when possible.
- Immediately call 911 (9-911 if in a City facility) and inform the operator of the emergency. Provide as much information as possible to the operator and refer to the MSDS.
D. The list of chemicals regularly used in this facility are located common area. The MSDS binder is located in the Emerald City Distribution policy and procedure manual in the common area.
- Bomb Threats
- If you receive a bomb threat or discover a possible bomb or suspicious object(s), immediately notify your supervisor, Police Dispatch at 911. The supervisor shall immediately notify the department head of the situation.
- In the event of a bomb threat by telephone:
- Get someone’s attention and convey the nature of the call. Have them make the above notifications.
- Get as much information as possible from the caller. Ask the following questions:
- Where is the bomb?
- When is it going to explode?
- What does it look like?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What is the person’s name or organization?
- Record the following information:
- Date and time of call
- Exact words of caller
- Age, sex, adult, or child
- Any speech pattern or accent
- Background noises
- For bomb threats by mail or for suspicious objects discovered:
- Do not handle the letter, envelope, or package any further.
- Immediately notify Police Dispatch at 911.
- Notify your immediate supervisor or department head.
- Evacuate the immediate area if instructed to do so.
- Workplace Violence
- When a workplace violence event occurs, keep calm and notify your supervisor immediately about the situation.
- If the event is considered an emergency, dial 911. If the event is considered a non-emergency, dial x8377. Please give the following information to the dispatcher:
- Your location
- Person’s behavior
- Person’s physical description
- Person’s location and direction of travel
- What you saw
- Where and when it happened
- Stay on the phone until you are released by the dispatcher.
- The following characteristics may be signs of a potentially violent situation in the workplace:
- Threats, threatening behavior, displays of aggression or excessive anger
- A history of threats or violent acts
- Unusual fascination with weapons
- Verbal abuse of coworkers/employees or harassment via phone/e-mail
- Bizarre comments or behavior, especially if it includes violent content
- Holding grudges, inability to handle criticism, habitually making excuses and/or blaming others
- Chronic, hypersensitive complaints about persecution or injustice
- Making jokes or offensive comments about violent acts
- Significant changes in mood or behavior
- Active Shooter
- Call the police (911) as soon as possible and relay the following information:
- Location of the incident
- Type of incident
- Subject’s physical description
- Subject’s location and/or direction of travel
- Weapon information
- Stay on the phone until released by the dispatcher.
- If you cannot speak, dial 911 and leave the line open to allow the dispatcher to hear what is going on at your location.
- If you have the ability to evacuate, do so following the standard evacuation procedure.
- Trust your instincts.
- Call the police (911) as soon as possible and relay the following information:
- If you are unable to evacuate:
- Take shelter in the nearest room, office, or closet (preferably somewhere with a lockable inward opening door)
- Lock and barricade the door with anything you have available (desks, cabinets, chairs, etc.)
- Cover any windows that may be in or near the door
- Look for alternate escape routes (windows, additional doors, etc.)
- Stay low to the ground and remain as quiet as possible remembering to silence your cell phone
- Do not answer the door for anyone
Attachment A– Flow chart of building with 1st Aid kit and fire extinguisher locations
Attachment B– First Responder List
Attachment C– List of disabled employees
Attachment A– Flow chart of building with 1st Aid kit and fire extinguisher locations
Note: Sample of an effective floor plan with designated escape routes. Delete and insert copies of your facilities escape routes. Directional arrows, locations of fire extinguishers and first aid kits should be included. Also include the location of where the individuals are viewing the layout of the facility.
Attachment B– First Responder List
Emergency Responder List
As of 10/27/2018
Floor# | Leader | Stop# | Phone | Alternate 1 | Stop# | Phone |
Attachment C– List of Disabled Employees
Disabled List
Revised: 10/27/2018
Floor # | Location/Area | Name | Phone | Name | Name | Phone |
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