Bethlehem Green Project

AIIAS Unveils “Bethlehem Green” to Empower Student Leaders in Hydroponic Techniques
Bethlehem Green Project | Edward Rodriguez |
The Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) recently unveiled “Bethlehem Green” in an opening ceremony aimed at educating student leaders and campus employees in the art of hydroponic farming. The greenhouse project was designed to encourage hands-on learning experiences integrated with active ministry. Additionally, it taps into the deep history of Adventist education by combining education with sustainable agricultural education.
Dr. Kim SiYoung, a seminary professor and the former president of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, is leading a collaborative effort with the department’s faculty and students to build a greenhouse. It represents AIIAS’s commitment to holistic education. Through the innovative use of hydroponic techniques, students will gain practical insights into modern farming practices while cultivating a deeper understanding of environmental stewardship.
Central to the initiative is the concept of integrating active ministry into academic pursuits. Each harvest from Bethlehem Green not only yields fresh produce; it also engages students in the surrounding community as they deliver fresh greens to improve nutrition for needy neighbors.
Moreover, additional profits generated by the greenhouse project will be channeled towards supporting hands-on missionary work, further amplifying AIIAS’s participation in global missions. The initiative aligns well with the institution’s mission of developing compassionate, missional leaders for the world church.

The Bethlehem Green project also provides a spiritual metaphor for those who work for and benefit from the project. “Last year,” states Ginger Ketting-Weller, AIIAS president, “the AIIAS student association adopted the motto, ‘Take Root, Produce Fruit.’ As we watch these tiny plants put their roots down into the water and draw up nutrients from it, we’re reminded of our need to constantly tap into the Living Water, in order to take root and bear fruit.”
Expressing gratitude for the vision that brought Bethlehem Green into being, AIIAS voices its appreciation to Dr. Kim Si Young and his team. Their dedication has laid the groundwork for a transformative educational experience that transcends traditional graduate classroom-based learning
As Bethlehem Green takes root within the AIIAS community, it symbolizes more than just a greenhouse; it embodies a shared vision of empowerment, service, and sustainability. Through collaborative endeavors such as this, future leaders are being inspired and equipped at AIIAS to live more effective and wholesome lives of generosity and humble service.
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