Hydroponic Farm Storefront

Kelowna hydroponics farm opens storefront with sustainable focus
Crafted Fresh Foods focuses on sustainable, organic growing of fresh produce
Hydroponic Farm Storefront | Brittany Webster |
A hydroponics farm on Old Vernon Road in Kelowna has a new storefront to sell their produce and big plans for the future.
Homestead Foods opened to the public mid-July, selling food produced by Crafted Fresh Foods.
Neil MacNeil, a lead in facility operations, has created an indoor facility using his hydroponics expertise to grow sustainable, organic foods year-round.
“We started our first plants in the indoor grow facility around December of 2023,” MacNeil said.
“Part of our business model here is to be able to create a really nutrient dense food. We are trying to get away from the waste that we see growing in the fields. A lot of that food doesn’t end up for human consumption due to bug damage or just spoilage. Here we utilize any of that food to go back to the animals.”
Before opening Homestead Foods, Crafted Fresh Foods provided produce to local markets. The business has also supported charity organizations like the Central Okanagan Food Bank.
The storefront offers a selection of produce, beef cuts, freeze dried sweets, and other locally produced goods.
“We have work year-round and we are able to produce food in the grow facility without the use of chemical or pesticides for our families to eat everyday of the year,” said MacNeil.”We are able to produce that at or less than the cost you’re currently paying in the grocery stores. You’ll see an added benefit to grocery costs, but you’ll also see an added benefit to the community.”
The property at 415 Old Vernon Road will be transforming in the months to come.
Chickens are already on site and the pen to house the miniature cows is nearing completion. Plans are in place to build a large barn on the property with the interested of hosting a farmers’ market on site and the structure for a drive-thru ice cream and coffee bar is in the works.
Learn more about the new store and what’s available at yourhomesteadfoods.ca.
Original Article: https://www.kelownacapnews.com/local-business/kelowna-hydroponics-farm-opens-storefront-with-sustainable-focus-7471790
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